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Pediatric emergency medicine physician and researcher Dr. Hasan Merali (@HasanMerali) has long thought toddlers are among the best people in our society and adults could do well to learn from them. Toddlers act kindly toward strangers, are eager to work with others to solve problems, and demonstrate extraordinary dedication and perseverance. These are all traits that many of us aspire to have in order to improve both our personal and professional lives.
Nase draws from her extensive experiences, highlighting the crucial role of attention in meeting students' needs. She shares a touching story from her teaching experience in Korea, illustrating the profound impact of redirecting attention towards learning. The talk concludes with an inspiring call to action, urging everyone to become catalysts for positive change by recognizing attention as a transformative force that shapes not only educational journeys but life trajectories.
Rajiv Surendra will share the story of how he went from Mean Girls' Kevin G., to respected chalk artist, to a recently published author.
Dr. John Vervaeke shows how modern science has broken our understanding of the mind into multiple incompatible fragments, from anthropology, to biology, and sociology, and more.
Ryan North is the author of the long-running Dinosaur Comics (, the acclaimed Adventure Time comic series (, and the record-breaking To Be Or Not To Be: That Is The Adventure ( a choose-your-own-path re-imagining of Hamlet.
Victoria Gracie offers a unique perspective on the link between scientific research on body image, particularly clinical research on body image disturbances, and the body positivity movement. Gracie examines the complex interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors in shaping our body image, arguing for a more integrated approach that consolidates a scientific basis into the current body positivity movement, as a means to support those living with or at risk of developing body image disturbances more effectively.
Staff Picks
Since its founding in 2005, YouTube has grown from a site for sharing home videos to a platform where content creators can publish highly-produced videos for millions of fans and get rich in the process.
Salma Hindy, award-winning Toronto-based engineer-turned-stand-up comedian, explores how people-pleasing has a larger impact in our lives than we think, and how you can learn from it.
Lesli Bisgould is Canada's first animal rights lawyer. For ten years, she acted for individuals and organizations in a variety of animal-related cases in the only practice of its kind in the country.
About TEDx, x = independently organized event
TEDx is a grassroots initiative, created in the spirit of TED’s overall mission to research and discover “ideas worth spreading.” TEDx brings the spirit of TED to local communities around the globe through TEDx events.
About TEDxUofT
TEDxUofT is a fully student-run youth organization at the University of Toronto - our mission is to inspire and innovate within the university community, uncovering new ideas and to share the latest research in their local areas that spark conversations in their communities.